Sunday, September 11, 2005

Racing and being a Teen

I would say my teen years were different then any of my friends.  I spent most all weekends in the spring and summer at the track.  I felt dedicated to racing so when they were out having fun I was hanging around home or off riding my Motorcycle.  I did meet a very nice blond hair girl while visiting my sister.  Who would have thought some 15 years later I’d marry her.

As I approached the age of 18 I got a draft card and expected to go to Viet Nam. I remember watching the 5 o’clock news and waiting to be called up. I had got in trouble with the local town for street racing so I figured I’d better join the service then wait to be selected.

That was a turning point and it would be 20 years before I set my feet on the track surface.  You can walk away from racing but I believe once you have tried it you could never get rid of that feeling for speed.  I know I haven’t.